package svc import ( "bytes" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) var db *gorm.DB // Initialize the database connection func InitDB() { var err error dbPath := config.GetConfiguration().DatabaseFilePath db, err = gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(dbPath), &gorm.Config{}) if err != nil { // This should basically never happen, unless the path to the database // is inaccessible, doesn't exist or there's no permission to it, which // should and will crash the program panic("failed to connect database") } // Migrate the schema db.AutoMigrate(&hardware.HardDrive{}, &hardware.HardDriveTemperature{}) } // Fetch the open database pointer func GetDatabaseRef() *gorm.DB { return db } // Log the temperature of the disks func LogDriveTemps() error { drives, err := hardware.GetSystemHardDrives(db, nil, nil) if err != nil { return err } for _, hdd := range drives { temp := hdd.GetTemperature() db.Create(&hardware.HardDriveTemperature{ HardDriveID: hdd.ID, TimeStamp: time.Now(), Temperature: temp, }) } return nil } // Run the logging service, this will periodically log the temperature of the disks with the LogDriveTemps function func RunLoggerService() { fmt.Println("[🦝] Initializing Temperature Logging Service...") tickTime := time.Duration(config.GetConfiguration().DiskFetchFrequency) * time.Second // Snapshot taking routine go func() { for { time.Sleep(tickTime) err := LogDriveTemps() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("[🛑] Temperature logging failed: %s\n", err) } } }() } // Generate a PNG based upon a HDD id and a date range func GetDiskGraphImage(hddID int, newerThan *time.Time, olderThan *time.Time) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { var hdd hardware.HardDrive // Fetch by a combination of fields q := db.Where("id = ?", hddID) if newerThan == nil && olderThan == nil { q = q.Preload("Temperatures") } else { q = q.Preload("Temperatures", "time_stamp < ? AND time_stamp > ?", newerThan, olderThan) } // Query for the instance result := q.First(&hdd) if result.Error != nil { return nil, result.Error } // Prepare slices for X (time) and Y (temperature) values var xValues []time.Time var yValues []float64 for _, temp := range hdd.Temperatures { xValues = append(xValues, temp.TimeStamp) yValues = append(yValues, float64(temp.Temperature)) } // Allocate a buffer for the graph image graphImageBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) // TODO: Graph dark theme // Generate the chart graph := chart.Chart{ Title: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s[%s]", hdd.Name, hdd.Serial, hdd.Size), TitleStyle: chart.Style{ FontSize: 14, }, // TODO: Implement customizable sizing Width: 1280, Background: chart.Style{ Padding: chart.Box{ Top: 20, Right: 20, Bottom: 20, Left: 20, }, }, XAxis: chart.XAxis{ Name: "Time", ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string { if ts, isValidTime := v.(float64); isValidTime { t := time.Unix(int64(ts/1e9), 0) return t.Format("Jan 2 2006, 15:04") } return "" }, Style: chart.Style{}, GridMajorStyle: chart.Style{ StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray, StrokeWidth: 0.5, }, GridMinorStyle: chart.Style{ StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray.WithAlpha(64), StrokeWidth: 0.25, }, }, YAxis: chart.YAxis{ Name: "Temperature (C)", Style: chart.Style{}, GridMajorStyle: chart.Style{ StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray, StrokeWidth: 0.5, }, GridMinorStyle: chart.Style{ StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray.WithAlpha(64), StrokeWidth: 0.25, }, }, Series: []chart.Series{ chart.TimeSeries{ Name: "Temperature", XValues: xValues, YValues: yValues, Style: chart.Style{ StrokeColor: chart.ColorCyan, StrokeWidth: 2.0, }, }, }, } // Add a legend to the chart graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{ chart.Legend(&graph, chart.Style{ Padding: chart.Box{ Top: 5, Right: 5, Bottom: 5, Left: 5, }, FontSize: 10, }), } // Render the chart into the byte buffer err := graph.Render(chart.PNG, graphImageBuffer) if err != nil { return nil, err } return graphImageBuffer, nil }