## 📖About Drive Health is a program written in golang to help with tracking and monitoring of your hardware's temperature. This tool has been with the purpose of installing it in different servers I own with different configurations to help keep track of the temperature of different hard-disks, ssds, nvme drives, etc... The testing has been very limited to only 4 different computers and not on laptops so expect some mishaps. ![UI Example](./media/design_v1.webp) ## ❗Disclaimer I'm not exactly a linux hardware wizard, so I honestly have no clue about a lot of things and I myself can tell there's a lot to improve upon and that there's a lot of other things missing that are a little bit more obscure, I personally don't currently own any m.2 sata drives to test the code on, or many of the other drive types, I have only tested on HDD, SSD and NVMe drives, any issues opened would help me so much! ## ❗Requirements 1. A linux machine, this will NOT work on macOS or on Windows, it's meant to be ran on servers as a service with which administrators can privately connect to for temperature logging. 2. Please make sure you have the [**drivetemp kernel drive**](https://docs.kernel.org/hwmon/drivetemp.html) you can check this by running `sudo modprobe drivetemp`. The program depends on this to be able to log the temperature of your devices. ## 📖How to use The program is straight forward to use really, edit the [.env](./.env) file and make the changes you would like applied. ### Docker ( Recommended/Hassle free ) ### SystemD ```ini [Unit] Description=Drive Health Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=daniel # Your user here WorkingDirectory=/home/daniel/services/drive-health # The path to the service's directory ExecStart=/home/daniel/services/drive-health/drive-health # The path to the binary Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ## ❔FAQ ### How does it work? Currently the program does not depend on any hardware library as I couldn't find anything that would not require root access while giving me the possibility to interrogate the temperature of the drives, I chose not to depend on `lsblk` either, so how does the program work? Well it looks in `/sys/block` and simply ### Why not just run as root? I really, really, **really** want to avoid asking people to run **ANY** program I write as root and even try and prevent that from happening since that's how things can go bad, especially because I am runnig actions over hardware items. I think you can see how easy it is for a mistake or a **malicious attack** to easily deal damage ## Support & Contribution For support, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue on the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/JustKato/drive-health/issues). Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. ## License This project is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](./LICENSE).