.gitignore | ||
README.md | ||
config.sample.inc.php | ||
example-cli.php | ||
example.php | ||
lib.php | ||
license |
The Project is a simple php encryption wrapper, not even a library, the whole point is that it has integrity checks on the encryption part which helps out quite a bit with errors.
Simply use the provided functions from the lib.php file, you can simply import it into any project using that file.
// Check if the config succesfully loaded, or if the mandatory config fields are missing.
if ( empty($config) || empty($config['key']) || empty($config['input']) ) {
echo "Please copy the config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php and change the configuration to match your needs.";
// The memory limit has been set so that we can pass it big strings and test how much it can/will use.
function limitStringSize($str, $amount = 20) {
if (strlen($str) > $amount)
$str = substr($str, 0, $amount) . '...';
return $str;
$kpc = new kpcrypt($config['key']);
echo "Key: " . $kpc->getKey() . " \n";
// Echo out the results
$encryptedData = $kpc->encryptData($config['input'], 'AES-256-CBC', TRUE);
echo "Encrypted: " . limitStringSize($encryptedData);
echo "\n";
echo "Decrypted: " . limitStringSize($kpc->decryptData($encryptedData));
echo "\n";
echo "Peak Memory: " . memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024 . "Mb"; // Check the memory in kb
echo "\n\n";
// Calculate the string size increse
$inputSize = strlen($config['input']); // Bytes
$outputSize = strlen($encryptedData); // Bytes
// Echo out sizing information
echo "Sizeof input: " . strlen($config['input']) . "\n"; // Bytes
echo "Sizeof output:" . strlen($encryptedData) . "\n"; // Bytes
echo "\n";
The licensing of the project is the MIT license
Repository icon made by monkik from www.flaticon.com;