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Kato Twofold edited this page 2021-05-29 18:46:00 +03:00


The Express TypeScript BoilerPlate is an extremely minimal Starting Point for an awesome start with TypeScript and Express. I found it infuriating when I was a beginner to initalize my project correctly with a manageable project structure.



To start the project you must first run the npm i command, this will go ahead and install all of the required packages for you to be able to get started with development/running. Now to customize your options simply create the .env file and fill in the details. To run the project simply type out npm test, this will run the project for you.


To start off in production mode ( To run a finished project based on this boilerplate ) simply run the npm install --production on the production machine when moving projects, afterwards run the start command with the appropiate parameters for your project, this can either be the developer start command or a custom command you yourself setup.



The master branch will include just the basics and it's the base-model of the whole repository.


I do also offer a "full package" version in the form of the FrameWork branch, where the templating engine HandleBars, I love the fact that it preserves consistency, it's straightforward and it renders server-side.


I know it's rather weird to contribute on a project I host myself, as this is more of a thing I wasn't really planning on sharing, but I found out that giving extreme details, explaining what is happening and taking note of what's happening helps myself as well in the future. So I figured if I put in the effort to explain everything might as well publish it as well!

If you want to you can straight up create an account on my gitea instance, or you can simply go over to the github project and try and contribute there, although I am rarely active there!